Tag: birds

  • Top 3 Symbiotic Relationships in Nature

    Top 3 Symbiotic Relationships in Nature

    “Survival of the fittest” is an oft-quoted, oft-misunderstood saying that implies it’s every animal for themselves in the wild. But the truth is, many animals of different species co-exist peacefully, even having mutually beneficial relationships. When two different kinds of animals work together in symbiotic relationships, it’s known as mutualism. Unlike parasites, both parties get something…

  • Creature Feature: Cuckoo Birds and Brood Parasites

    Creature Feature: Cuckoo Birds and Brood Parasites

    When we think of parasites, we typically think of unpleasant creepy-crawlies like leeches or ticks. Today I’d like to introduce you to the brood parasite, the most famous of those being the cuckoo bird. You might recognise the cuckoo as the little bird that pops out of old clocks, but it’s really their parenting habits…

  • Creature Feature: Flamingos

    Creature Feature: Flamingos

    Flamingos conjure images of tropical locations, beachside holidays, and quirky lawn decorations. But there’s more to these pretty pink birds than it seems.  Tickled Pink You may have heard that flamingos get their colour from eating salmon. It’s true that they turn pink because of their diet, but they don’t eat fish at all! Flamingos…